PetAbility Podcast

Biceps Tendinitis in Dogs: the What, Where, and Why?

PetAbility Season 5 Episode 22

In this episode, Cathy and Chris discuss the relatively common condition of bicipital tendinitis in the dog or inflammation of the biceps tendon at the shoulder joint. This comprehensive overview covers the following:

  • Anatomy of the forelimb, specifically the shoulder and biceps muscle/tendon
  • Causes from overuse/repetative stress to trauma
  • Clinical signs such as lameness, tenderness, reluctance to exercise and atrophy
  • Diagnosing via physical exam, imaging, and joint fluid analysis
  • Treatment options from conservative rehab/modalities to injections to surgery
  • Prognosis and potentially prolonged treatment and activity restriction
  • Prevention via weight management, proper conditioning & cross training,  and minimizing risks

Although recovery can be frustrating at times, the key is to catch bicipital tendinitis early and abide by appropriate treatment protocols for a swift recovery. Active dogs may require long-term care and preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.


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