PetAbility Podcast

Does your Dog Drag their Foot? There are Solutions!

PetAbility Season 4 Episode 15

Have your ever seen a dog dragging their foot? Heard them scraping their nails? Or even witnessed them actually standing or walking on the tops of their feet? Listen to Cathy and Chris talk about knuckling - what is it, why it happens, and what to do about it. This episode focuses on anti-knuckling devices - maybe something you've never considered, but should know about if you have a dog - or cat. They cover everything from anti-knuckling devices themselves to exercises to help arm you with the knowledge you need to prevent wounds, re-train your dogs gait, and promote the independence they deserve when up and moving.

Click here for information on the variety of anti-knuckling and anti-dragging products available.
Go to Vital Vet for one stop shopping on everything rehab, including products such as anti-knuckling and anti-dragging devices.
Click here for the OrthoPets Toe-up Device with Boot. 


Check out, a platform for all things related to pet rehab - product information, education, and resources abound!

MedcoVet (show sponsor) - advanced red-light therapy therapy that puts healing in the hands of the pet owner in the comfort of your home!

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Dr. Buzby’s - The Senior Dog Company – Toe grips to prevent slipping, Encore Mobility joint supplement, and Brain Boost cognitive supplement.
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Calm & Cozy Cat Wrap - a must-have for cat owners and vet pros working with cats! Use PETPOD22 for $5 off your order.
HedzUpPets Watercollars – save your dog from drowning around any bod...